CM-T3517 & SBC-T3517 O/S support coverage map
CompuLab provides ready-to-run packages and support for Linux and Windows CE operating systems running from the flash disk of the CM-T3517. The table below specifies current and planned support coverage. This page is updated upon any significant change of support availability.
Support is available (when o/s support is enabled) | |
Support will be available on the specified date | |
No support available or planned | |
Support availability still undetermined | |
Function is compatible with the specific HW platform, but is not supported by CompuLab |
O/S Features Support
Feature Linux Win CE6
Flash Disk + +
Graphics + +
2D/3D acceleration + +
WiFi + +
Bluetooth + +
Camera support ? ?
Ethernet + +
USB Slave + +
USB Host + +
USB Mouse & Kbrd + +
Audio + +
Touchscreen + +
Serial Ports + +
SD/MMC (storage) + +
SDIO (peripheral) + +
I2C + +
SPI + +
GPIO + +
Power management - -
Battery management - -
* 2D/3D acceleration refers to features available only with C600G option (AM3517 processor)